


Adelmo Bustamente Silva, 47. Agriculture member of CENFROCAFE. In the picture, he’s showing the map of his lands. «I came with my grandparents and was my first encounter with coffee fields, before they used to raised cows. I arrived to La Palma 38 years ago, and from there I know the coffee fields, tho with…

agosto 10, 2019
1 min read


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Awardsagosto 11, 2021

Golden State Warriors Stadium

The Golden State Warriors recently announced that Snøhetta and AECOM have been selected as the architecture team to design.

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Awardsoctubre 6, 2021

Beijing’s Extraordinary Projects: Hutong Bubble

MAD’s proposal for the future Beijing 2050 was first revealed at its exhibition MAD IN CHINA in Venice during the 2006 Venice Architecture Biennale.

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Architecturediciembre 3, 2021

In Progress: Conrad Hotel by MAD

But far from the ambition of more than one hundred year ago, when people tried to challenge themselves with modern technology and future.